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Fevzi Oruc - illumination in the world apart

Turkey, Istanbul... Constantinopol, Hagia Sofia, Topkapi Palace, sultan's harems, art of sublimated calligraphy, courtly intrigues, spinning Dervishes, started to hate Janissaries, castration of eunuchs, strangling descendants children of Sultans, extermination of Armenians, Ataturk, Gallipoli, Orhan Pamuk, outstanding Nuri Bilge Ceylans films awarded many times in Cannes, immortal portraits of  Istanbul of Ara Guler, atmosphere stright from the ,,Casablanca”, earlier cruel,, Midnight Express"of Allan Parker, and recently blood and torn death bodies in Istiklal Caddesi, Kurdish matter, threat of terror, uncompromising president Erdogan...Only this  we know about Turkey.

Of course I forgot about Tarkan, great star of psychodelic rock of 70-s -Baris Manco and sweet bitter films of Ferzan Ozpetek, where into the rhythm of Sezen Aksu songs people desire, love and quickly are burnt exhausted with forbidden love and longing.

There is a word in  Turkish language which contains all this things.  Its,, huzun "- sadness, melancholy, longing, expectation and probably reflection over a past time.

Fevzi Oruc, generation 1971, he  was born and live in Istanbul, son of the soldier - outstanding Turkish photographer - is repeating this word ( Huzun) during our common walk all over Istanbul.  His photography  it is an essence of ,, Huzun". Just like Fevzi – very kind,  a bit absent, unusually quiet, he is looking backwards attentively and checking the safety of  Karina, and me.  He is unusually warm and friendly person. He is punching his ticket for us, doesn't let to pay in  restaurants and showing us unusual places: saint Eyup, Fashion district , Ottoman architecture in Uskudar, asian Kadikoy, narrow streets near the Galata bridge...

Karina Wisz which is accompanying me and Fevzi during the walk all over Istanbul  is impressed by his great hospitality. This is great turkish hospitality!

On his profile on instagram we find short epigraph:,, Only life... “. Almost  2500 persons from the whole the  world observe his photographs every day. He received a lot of  mentions. I dont remember how many times I congratulated him 1415 BestOfTheWeek. He is active member 1415 mobilephotographers. Fevzi Oruc is the artist conscious of the value of his works, but he dosnt like to speak too much  about his photos. He is focused on photographing.  Only few times i saw in his hand his favourite camera Fuji X100s.  We can more often to see at him old worn-out Iphone 4.

A young couple under the Galata bridge is looking at him disapprovingly.  Fevzi is rising the phone to his ear and pretending the conversation. He has a condition of the marathon runner. Inspite of this  I don't know when he is making one's photographs –  he is very busy, intensively works in business. Weekends are staying. Crumbs of the day.

The world apart is visible on photographs of Fevzi Oruc. A guys head  tungled up into the towel, girl blowing the balloon up, tired men smoking cigarettes under the deformed umbrella by a rubbish tip. Somebody is coming - somebody else is walking away. Child's puerility is mixed with the iron structure of images of the italian surrealist Giorgio di Chirico. Fevzi Oruc is avoiding great subjects.  Istanbul is full of interesting themes – there are fantastic human physiognomies, paradoxical situations, freaks, small but full of energy cats and protracting, tired sleepy dogs.

Fevzi Oruc direct our look about 30 - 40 degrees in left or in  right from these stages. His heroes waiting for new directorial instructions. I love such a look at the world -  world from which we are turning the look away. Fevzi loves  this industrial contemporary dustbin – destroyed by the sun and the trade human landscapes. His ,,actors” usually thrashing about in this scenery and they trying to find the exit from this existential trap.

Applications: ,, hipstamatic "and,, photoscape" helps him  to achieve the intentional effect. Great tone, masters composition and characteristic narrow frame. This is his style.

During the beer  Karina is asking Fevzi about  his pseudonym ,, Yanki_ 71” . Yanki in the turkish language means Echo. 71 - it is the year of his birth. Next mystery resolved itself.

We are from the same generation. We love the film,, Yol "(Road) of Yilmaz Guney as well.  However he is listening rap music and perfect ,,Ceza” . I prefer balladist  Mehmet Gureli, and the bands: Flort, Baba Zula, Patlantis.

Me and Karina spend two days with Fevzi Oruc.  I was artistic and mysterious illumination. In silence we contemplated Istanbul  - city where I will be back for sure. More beautiful and more interesting than Lisbon, Florance,  Rome - real paradise for street photographers. Thanks to our friend - Fevzi Oruc.

Below web links to Fevzi Oruc galleries and some of his photographs:

All right reserved.

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