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Charlotte Elissalde - carnival and sadness of the tropics of Teresa Uzeda

I remember our conversations carried on in April of previous year. Then I was already going to write the article about her. The slim silhouette, short hair and her big knowledge about old films, music and books. We mentioned Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau, Fritz Lang, about the German expressionism at all, about practical experience, crazy strong women and their husbands...about partings.

Teresa Uzeda is a pseudonym. Charlotte has always wanted to be Madame Bovary, but it would be too obvious. So she chose the supporting figure - Teresa Uzeda. Probably it is necessary to come to Flaubert in order to say something more about her... I know that she lives in Cadiz on the south- western part of Spain, has an adolescent naughty son and is is one of the most diligent mobile photographers in the world.

On instagram profile of  Charlotte she already published over 8200 of photographs. They are observed by over 4000 people every day. Port- trede atmosphere of old Cadiz, where over 300 days in the year are filled up with the beautiful sun is supporting the street photography.

Charlotte frequently is publishing after a few of photograph per day. We can to notice characteristic motives: desolate bars, narrow streets of the city in low orange light, beach, human bodies lying at the sea, animals disappearing in empty space of the city,  reflections on travelling cars.

Seeming emotionality, peculiar diffused light automatically are sending us to the master's french film of Patrice Laconte,, Husband of the hairdresser ". There the lonely experienced by the life guy is finding happiness in shoulders of the beautiful hairdresser. They are terribly happy.  One day the woman is disappearing from his life... The same joy mixed with melancholy and total doubt. Sexy young women exposing their charms, but in other place creased, deformed by the time and illnesses old ladies resting on their old sunbeds.

Charlotte is making a heroic attempt to stop the time.

In this world women are dominating. Just like in films of Pedro Almdovar they are dressed in yello or red bright dresses. They are looking after children, seem to be an only stable pillar of this world. In their eyes however one can see  longing for other more interesting life -a long way from the routine and desire for the change - just like Ms Bovary. 

Over 8200 of photographs made kind of casually. Charlotte is watching the human carnival with eyes of the child, but also with reserve and distance. Her pictures are poetic and simple as well. She isn't a fan of advanced processing. Black and white or the colour only. One day I saw Charlotte, that her photographs are similar of the paintings of Edward Hopper. Surprised and ashamed She thanked, After the short silence however she admitted that I am right. 

We should remember that Charlotte Elissalde is with the Marina Koryakin, Myrna of Weinreich and Claudia Feudi the beauty face of  of the photographic portal ,,Fromstreetswithlove".

Below are links links to the photographs of  Charlotte - Teresas Uzeda which it is absolutely necessary to know:

 All right reserved. Jarosław Wiśniewski -text, Charlotte Elissalde - photographs.

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